Our Fam...

February - the month of love...Loving our kids - but trying to reconnect as hubby and wifey!

About Me

My photo
Midlothian, TX
There are 6 of us - Daddy - Tim, Mommy - Elisa, Keyfer 13 yrs, Matthew 3 yrs, Isabella (in heaven) 16mo, Justyce 1 month old and Gabriella (in our dreams still) 2 years coming(?)


It's a BOY!

We went to the doctor today and found out it was a boy!  There is no question about it! He's so stinkin cute! I first heard the words and it took my breath away - then I wanted to cry( have no idea why!) then I laughed and felt a great peace wash over me. I wasn't completely overjoyed, but I didn't feel disappointed - just at peace with it!  I have been praying about it because I wasn't completely sold on either sex and I didn't want to feel any negative feelings about the lil guy - so now I'm happy. It'll be crazy with two little boys running around it'll be fun and busy - the way I like my life! Of course the next one( after a year or two!) will be a girl! The last one - the little princess of the bunch! Alright now I get to plan the nursery and accessories and scratch that itch to shop!!!:-) 
Well, thanks for enjoying the suspense with us - it was fun! Now we just need prayers for continued health for baby and Mommy that this will be a perfectly normal pregnancy without any bumps in the road!
Bless you guys and love you!
The Roberts x6 :-)


Boy? Girl?

Hey everyone make sure you vote->
It'll be fun to see who got it right!



This was our family 2007, we are now in 2008 working with the new dynamics that have been thrown at us. I wanted those who want to have regular updates and pics of our fam to have one place to go. We'll have new pics and updates on everyone from Daddy down to baby ~ Hope you enjoy!