Our Fam...

February - the month of love...Loving our kids - but trying to reconnect as hubby and wifey!

About Me

My photo
Midlothian, TX
There are 6 of us - Daddy - Tim, Mommy - Elisa, Keyfer 13 yrs, Matthew 3 yrs, Isabella (in heaven) 16mo, Justyce 1 month old and Gabriella (in our dreams still) 2 years coming(?)


It's a BOY!

We went to the doctor today and found out it was a boy!  There is no question about it! He's so stinkin cute! I first heard the words and it took my breath away - then I wanted to cry( have no idea why!) then I laughed and felt a great peace wash over me. I wasn't completely overjoyed, but I didn't feel disappointed - just at peace with it!  I have been praying about it because I wasn't completely sold on either sex and I didn't want to feel any negative feelings about the lil guy - so now I'm happy. It'll be crazy with two little boys running around it'll be fun and busy - the way I like my life! Of course the next one( after a year or two!) will be a girl! The last one - the little princess of the bunch! Alright now I get to plan the nursery and accessories and scratch that itch to shop!!!:-) 
Well, thanks for enjoying the suspense with us - it was fun! Now we just need prayers for continued health for baby and Mommy that this will be a perfectly normal pregnancy without any bumps in the road!
Bless you guys and love you!
The Roberts x6 :-)

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